Eyecare-Amsler Grid App

This application is designed for personal monitoring for vision loss from macular degeneration. With daily use of the Eyecare-Amsler Grid, small changes in visual function can be identified electronically that may otherwise have gone unnoticed and caused long lasting damage. The Eyecare-Amsler Grid uses proprietary technology to identify any changes in your personal Amsler Grid and personally ntoify you of that change almost immediately. With this information you can get the medical care you need and ideally prevent vision loss with the help of your eye care professional. If you don't have an eye care professional to help take care of your vision needs, this application will.


To Use The App

If you are interested in using the Amsler Grid on your mobile device, download the following app: "Eyecare-Amsler" from your apple app store or android google play app store.  LINK TO APP

You will need to register first to use the app. You will be required to create a username and password to login for future testing. Just like the paper Amsler Grid, it is recommended to use every day. If there is any change noted on the test you have taken from your device, you will be notified. Please call the office if you have any questions regarding the use of the app or need assistance with the initial set up at 847.294.0080.

Eyecare-Amsler App

iOS App

Google Play App